Priddis Panthers
The League is based on values of fun, the love of playing hockey and fair play. Every child is given the opportunity to participate regardless of their skill level.
Panthers home games are played out of the Priddis outdoor rink, with practices held at either the Black Diamond rink or the Priddis outdoor rink. Registration occurs online each September for ages 5 to 17 years old. We frequently register a team at each category level in the Alberta Recreation Hockey League.
The format will be one weekday practice and one Saturday game per week per team. The season runs from early October until the weather is too warm in the Spring and we lose our outdoor ice. There are six divisions consisting of:
Players are accepted from families that reside in the Priddis and Red Deer Lake communities, and Foothills County. If there is still space available, players from other areas can register. Registration is held online starting mid-September. All players/families are required to purchase a current Priddis Community Association membership.
For more information, please contact the Priddis Panthers Director at priddishockey@gmail.com, follow our Facebook page or visit our Website to learn more.