Time Capsule
Historic Event
July 9th, 2017 marked the 50th anniversary of the Annual Priddis Stampede Breakfast. It was another well attended event at the Community Hall with approximately 900 people enjoying a hearty breakfast. A special ceremony to open the 50-year Time Capsule Cairn was also held that morning. Opening the time capsule was Scott Stewart and Kevin Stanton, two of the three original young boys chosen by the community in 1967 to be stewards of the capsule. They are third-generation residents of the Priddis area. Thanks to Jane Morgan who emceed. Also in attendance was Lt.-Gov. Lois Mitchell and Foothills County Councilor, Suzanne Oel. The capsule items were set out for display that morning. A list of items for the next 50-year time capsule is being compiled and we are asking the community for input.
We are looking for volunteers to create another Priddis 50-year time capsule together to give a glimpse of our current community to future generations. Please email priddiscommunityassociation@gmail.com